Hi! Below is a button which will link you to my Roblox Portfolio on Google Docs. Since this is the portfolio that I used to use when I was active on the platform, I have decided not to change it and put it on this site. However, below this are a couple of highlights of two of the systems that I had made that I would like to showcase on this site (which are also available in the google doc version of the portfolio), but the source code is on the original portfolio.
These are not the only systems/games that I have made hence I encourage you to please checkout my portfolio which is much larger.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!

(Attack on Titan Inspired Thunder Spears)

(A Simple Cup Pong Game)

That's it for now!
Check back later for more of my projects!

© This work is made by Jaysall Bedi, it is not to be used elsewhere. All rights reserved.